Cyrus Signature and Chord Co Cables Event Newsflash!

Great news!  Cyrus have exceeded our expectations and really pulled out all the stops to enable us to run a complete streamer and CD source Signature system with a full six pack of Mono X300 Signature power amps at our Cyrus and Chord event! Awesome!

We were hoping for four but only in our wildest dreams did we think we would get six amps to play with! Turning the volume up to 11 really won't be a problem!

The action commences here at 4pm, until 8pm Friday 11th September, plus all day Saturday 12th, from 10am to 6pm.

You will not want to miss the chance to hear the sheer scale and authority of this powerhouse of a hi-fi. Our favourite PMC Twenty 26 loudspeakers will really sing on the end of this magnificent system!

Nick from Cyrus will be here to answer any Cyrus product or upgrade enquiries and Matt from Chord has risen to the challenge of providing enough Sarum Super Aray interconnects and Sarum speaker cables to ensure that the signal transfer between all components and speakers is at the highest performance level possible. No compromises here!

We aim to create a sound to thrill which recreates the experience of a live musical event, with real scale and effortless dynamics, not just a pale imitation.

As if that isn't enough of a reason to come along we will also give you the chance of winning a £100 voucher valid for any Chord product as well as 10% OFF Chord cables during the event and a massive 20% OFF voucher on Cyrus products!  Terms and conditions apply.

Only those attending the event will be eligible so why not give your ears and your wallet a treat at the same time!

See you on the 11th and 12th September

Alan and John